How To Save Money with a “Green” Pool
To above ground pool owners, a "green" pool usually means a very bad algae infestation. But in this case, we're talking about new types of chlorinators, covers, and other pool products that – in one way or another – are more environmentally friendly than the alternatives. In the following article, we'll discuss some ways you can enjoy a greener pool this coming summer.
You Can Improve Your Pump Efficiency
Many pool owners will find they can save tons of money on their energy costs while also maintaining a more comfortable pool. How? By switching to an energy-efficient pool pump. Smaller and designed for far better performance, these designs run less often while also using 35% to 45% less energy than standard pumps. Like their less-efficient cousins, these pumps come in single, dual, and even variable speed designs. With the latter, you can reduce your energy usage even further.
Switch to a Solar Cover
Solar pool covers are a drastic improvement over traditional models. Not only do they help reduce evaporation, but they keep out debris, minimize chemical reduction, and keep the pool warmer. In fact, when used along with pool heaters, these amazing products can reduce pool heating costs by as much as 50%. As if that weren't impressive enough, they also reduce the amount of water you need to add to your pool by around 40% on average!
Try a Salt Chlorinator
Tons of pool-owning families have already made the switch to saltwater chlorinators due to sensitive skin or a desire to protect their bathign suits. However, going "saltwater" isn't just about minimizing chemical exposure. It can also cut down the cost of keeping your pool clean. So not only will you get a softer, more comfortable, and less irritating pool experience, but you'll save a bundle to boot!
These money saving ideas can be used on any above ground or inground pool. If they sound good to you and you're interested in saving money, improving your family's pool time, and taking important steps to help the environment, a "green pool" might be just what you're looking for. In fact, some green initiatives come with tax incentives from the government, further rewarding you for making a better choice for your pool. The next time you find yourself at the pool store, take a look at all the ways you can be doing more while spending less. For questions about any of the ideas in this article or more swimming to money saving tips call us at (866) 534-9725 or visit us online at https://www.poolsaboveground.com