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Nutgrass - Nutsedge Control - Above Ground Pools

By ray
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Nutgrass - Nutsedge Control - Above Ground Pools

Nutgrass Killer Nutsedge Control 

Nutgrass And Above Ground Pools

  Nutsedge or Nutgrass is a very stubborn weed that is most often found in the southern and eastern parts of the United States. This weed is can ruin landscaping, gardens etc. but is also known to wreak havoc on above ground pool liners. Sadly most above ground pool owners are unaware of the weeds existence until it's too late. The good news is that Nutgrass damage is preventable and existing damage is repairable.

Nutgrass And Above Ground Pool Liners

Nutgrass and above ground pool liners do not play well together. If you are unfortunate and have Nutgrass under your pool, it usually begins to appear a week or two after the above ground pool is erected. Nutgrass simply looks like grass growing from the  bottom of your swimming pool. In bad cases of Nut Grass, an above ground pool can have hundreds or even thousands of grass blades coming through the liner. I have seen cases where the bottom of the pool looks like a rice patty field. In this case a new liner and serious herbicide is needed. When it comes to pool liners it is best to prevent the nutgrass damage before it has the chance to start.

Nutgrass Control

If you live in an area where Nutsedge grows, using a quality Nutsedge herbicide will stop the damage this weed causes. Simply applying Nutsedge killer to the ground prior to the pool liner installation is all that is needed. As with most anything, some Nutgrass killers are better than others. Big box home improvement or garden supply stores often carry mediocre Nutgrass herbicides at best. For $20.00 you may find something that works "ok" and this is far better than going completely unprotected. If in a pinch, purchase a bottle or two and apply as directed. If you can spend a little more money ($30-$50) and want something that really works, than purchase what we use. This commercial grade Nutsedge killer is highly recommended and is by far the best product for stopping Nutgrass from damaging your new pool liner. A little money spent here can save hundreds of dollars in pool liner replacement costs. The price for water, pool chemicals, herbicide and a new pool liner can really add up quickly, making that $50 investment look like the bargain of the century. Be sure to treat the ground immediately outside of the pool too. Maintaining the area 1-2 feet around the outside of the pool will prevent vegetation from creeping in underneath the pool wall.  I would recommend keeping this area up and treating the ground as needed with some sort of weed killer. This also keep bugs and critters from burrowing and nesting near the pool.

Nutgrass And Under Pool Liner Floor Pad

Protect your investment! Regardless of manufacturer, I would skeptical of any pool floor padding that claims to stops nut grass. I have seen nut grass grow through plywood, plastic sheeting, asphalt, Styrofoam, Gorilla Pad, Happy Bottom and just about anything short of concrete. The "best pool floor pad" is Armor Shield, and even this great product does nothing to stop nutgrass. However I would use nutgrass killer followed by an Armor Shield to create the ultimate in pool liner protection. Nutgrass killer will not stop moles, beetles and other critters from burrowing under your pool, but Armor Shield does. And Armor Shield can add years to the warranty of your pool liner, no other product does that. Combine nutsedge killer with the Armor Shield to ensure mother nature doesn't ruin your summer. 

Nutgrass Killer Nutsedge Control

March 1, 2015